Did you know that Florida law authorizes a party who owns or leases property, including condo associations, or their authorized representatives, to tow a vehicle off the premises if it’s parked there without permission (think decal, pass, etc.). However, there must be prominent notices on the premises indicating its tow away zones prior to any vehicle being towed away. This requirement doesn’t apply to single family residences. The law also applies to vessels, which Florida law defines as a “watercraft, barge, and airboat used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water”. Businesses may also authorize the towing of a vehicle if it’s parked in a way that restricts the business’s normal operation or obstructs access to a private driveway. The person or company that tows a vehicle must notify the local police or sheriff’s department of the tow within 30 minutes of completion and identify the storage facility where the car was taken.

Violations (Ticketing) are usually done for the following reasons:
- Residents have more cars than their assigned spaces
- Resident cars parked in “guest spots”
- Types of vehicles that are prohibited by the Declaration are parking anyway
- Cars are parked in loading zones and fire lanes
- Vehicles block driveways, ramps, elevators, or fire exits
- Parking on streets may be prohibited by the Declaration or local government
- Inoperative cars are stored on association property
- Vehicles leak oil onto the parking areas
- Vehicles exceed the posted speed limit
- Vehicles park on lawns
- Stop signs are not observed
REMEMBER, your local Code Enforcement and/or local police may help with ticketing for parking in fire lanes, within 15 feet of a fire hydrant, blocking crosswalks, parking in a handicap space with no decal or tag, parking on streets as prohibited by the local government and other. If parking is a big issue for your community, contact them to see what they can do to help.