Beth Rappaport, VP of Business Development for Palm Beach County for Campbell Property Management was appointed as the Community Associations Institute Gold Coast Chapter Delegate for Florida Legislative Alliance (FLA).
Formed in 1987, this diverse group of homeowner leaders, community managers, and representatives from community association business partners provides perspective on how proposed legislation could impact people living and working in community associations.
The FLA is the official voice for legislators and regulators in Florida. It exists to speak with one voice on legislative and regulatory matters that affect community associations, community association managers and CAI business partners. FLA also provides suggested language for proposed bills on behalf of the community association industry throughout the session.
In the 26 years that Beth has lived in Palm Beach County, she has been dedicated to making the community a better place to live for current and future generations. She has over ten years’ experience in the community association industry and holds her CAM license and CMCA certification. Beth served as president of the Coalition of Boynton West Residential Associations (COBWRA) for three years. Today Beth continues to volunteer in her community as president of her community’s HOA and serves on the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office Citizens Advisory Board and the State Attorney Advisory Board.