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Ashley Dietz Gray, VP MarketingFeb 26, 20251 min read

Board Member Certification & Continuing Education Requirements

Due to the new legislation, there are various requirements for HOA and condo board members, and understanding them is crucial. To make it easier to understand, we've crafted the table below, which overviews key certification mandates, including deadlines and continuing education, focusing on changes effective July 1, 2024.

Category Condominium Board 
HOA Board Members
Board Certification 
Requirements if elected or 
appointed AFTER July 1,
Newly Elected or Appointed Board 
Members after July 1, 2024 must 
complete a 4 Hour Certification 
Course within 90 days of election 
or appointment.
Newly Elected or Appointed Board 
Members after July 1, 2024 must 
complete a certification 
course within 90 days of election 
or appointment.
Board Certification
Requirements if elected or
appointed BEFORE July 1,
Condo board members appointed 
or elected prior to July 1, 
2024, must complete a 4-hour 
certification by June 30, 2025.
HOA directors appointed or 
elected prior to July 1, 2024, must 
complete education for new board 
members within four years if 
the director serves on the board 
without interruption during the 
four-year period.
Certification Validity Valid for 7 years if serving 
Valid for 4 years if serving 

Continuing Education

**As of the date of
publishing this table, the
Division has NOT approved
any continuing education
classes for Condos or

1 hour annually on recent changes 
to Chapter 718 (Condo Statute) 
and related rules.
Associations with <2,500 parcels: 
4 hours annually. Associations 
with ≥2,500 parcels: 8 hours 
Other Certification Requirements Must sign a certification on 8 1/2 
x 11 that they read the governing 

Visit to see our schedule of upcoming HOA and Condo Board Certification Courses. 



Ashley Dietz Gray, VP Marketing

Ashley Dietz Gray has been handling the marketing at Campbell Property Management since 2013. She is a native Floridian who shines at building relationships and getting things done with a positive attitude. Ashley graduated Summa Cum Laude from Florida Atlantic University with her bachelor’s in communications in 2010. Prior to joining Campbell, Ashley handled the marketing for a large credit union based in South Florida. She has always believed “knowledge is power” and has made it Campbell’s mission to offer free education in the form of in-person events and webinars as well as through their blog, Florida Association News (FAN), to Board Members and Property Managers of condos and HOAs throughout Florida. She has worked hard to spread the word about FAN, which currently has over 35,000 subscribers. Ashley is a dedicated “boymom” to her two young sons, Logan and Fisher. She and her husband, Corey, reside with their boys in Boca Raton.