Frank Moskey is the President of the Trent Neighborhood Condominium Association (Buildings A-H) in Kings Point in Tamarac, Florida. Trent is a 55+ active adult community with 368 garden style condominium units. Originally from Connecticut, Frank came down to live in Florida 14 years ago after meeting his wife, Lorraine in South Florida.
Frank knows the true meaning of hard work and dedication. A machinist or toolmaker by trade, he worked for EDAC, a manufacturer of aerospace parts for all the major airlines for 52 years. The last nine years of which he was the President of the company. He worked his way up the ladder, starting at EDAC in 1951 cleaning toilets and doing janitorial work and eventually managed every department until becoming President in 1994.
Frank has been the President of the B Building of Trent for the past five years. It all started when he and wife Lorraine were at a board meeting. Everyone was discussing the upcoming elections and Lorraine was raving on and on about how Frank would be perfect for the job. The other attendees suggested he run, so he did and he became President. A few years later, the Trent Neighborhood President asked him to help on the Neighborhood Board. He agreed and eventually became President of the Trent Neighborhood Association; a position he has held for the past three years.
This past week, I sat down with Frank to discuss his experiences working as the President of Building B and as the President of the Trent Neighborhood Association:
Ashley: What do you like most about being on the Board?
Frank: I really like being able to make the community a better place for residents to live. When I became President, I knew I wanted to make Trent a beautiful place for our residents to call home. Luckily, we have Diana Mandrik, our Property Manager and a really great maintenance crew who have helped us in our beautification process.
Ashley: What has been your proudest accomplishment during your time on the Board?
Frank: My proudest accomplishment has been upgrading all of Trent. I felt like we needed to bring the place back to where it was 20 years ago. It’s so good to see this happen. I figured we had the money in our reserves; it was time to update the property. We were able to update the pool and pool area, both the men and women’s restrooms by the pool, upgrade all of the appliances and re-do the landscaping of the entrance ways and common areas.
Ashley: What piece of advice would you share with other Board Members?
Frank: I love the saying, “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” My parents used to always mention this saying and it is so true, especially when working on the Board of a community association. You have to work with the people by listening to their ideas and opinions, being friendly and being transparent. You need to treat the other board members and residents as you wish to be treated. Following this principle makes a huge difference in your interactions with the residents and the other board members.
Frank frequently travels up to Connecticut to visit with his two children and five grandkids. Frank and his wife, Lorraine will be heading up soon to attend his grandson’s wedding.
Trent at Kings Point has been managed by Diana Mandrik of Campbell Property Management for 20 years.
“Frank has earned the respect of the owners and he leads the property knowing what they want done. He is always available to provide direction and advice. His message to improve the property allows me to do the projects that the property needs. I am lucky to work with such a professional person,” said Diana.
“Meet the Director” is an ongoing series where we recognize an outstanding Director from a community association in South Florida.
Serving on the Board of a Community Association is a challenging and often thankless job. There are thousands of dedicated volunteers in South Florida that have stepped up to lead their communities and we hope this series serves as a reminder to us all – to thank those that have invested their time and energy to make their communities a better place to live.